Vibrating Wire Piezometer AIS 300
The Vibrating Wire Piezometer is
designed to measure water level
in ground, during de-watering,
water discharge and water
harvesting etc. It is also used to
monitor pore water pressure in
soil during de-watering and
drainage work, Geo-Hydrological
investigation including ground
water elevation, well irrigation and
water supply.
→ Pore Pressure Monitoring
→ Ground water table monitoring
→ Water Level Monitoring in Dam, river and channel.
→ Discharge monitoring
Range - 0-3 to 0 - 150 bar
Over Range - 150 %
Accuracy - 0.1%fs
Overall dia - 20mm
Length - 125mm
Operating Temp. - 20 to +70 deg C
Thermistor - 3 k Ohm@25°C