Vibrating Wire Total Pressure Cell AIS 900
The Vibrating Wire Pressure cell
is designed to measure stress
action on plane surface. It
measure the combined pressure
of effective stress and pore water
pressure. The pressure cells are
constructed from two circular
stainless steel plates, welded
together around their periphery.
The annular space between these
plates is filled with oil.
→ Total Stress/ Pressure Monitoring
→ Stress monitoring in mass concrete, soil and shotcrete.
→ It is used in dam, tunnel, ground, pavement, soil consolidation work etc.
Range - 1 - 20 Mpa
Over Range - 150 %
Accuracy - 0.5%fs
Overall dia of pad - 200mm
Operating Temp. - 20 to +70 deg C
Thermistor - 3 k Ohm@25°C
Material - Stainless Steel